Insulated Glass Units 2018-10-25T06:22:40+00:00

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Insulated Glass Units

Insulating Glass Units is the process of combining two or more lites of glass separated by an air space hermetically sealed. The process improves a window’s thermal efficiency by reducing the outside heat or cold transfer from entering the building’s interior.

With Arabian Processing Glass Co in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, you can rest assured that our insulating glass units use a double seal with butyl as primary seal and a secondary seal of either structural or insulating silicone. The glass lites, separated by a dehydrated air space, use an aluminum filled desiccant spacer to provide a hermetically sealed unit that absorbs the glass unit’s internal moisture.

APG’s insulating glass units offers improved solar control effectiveness and a wider range of spectral comparison compared to monolithic glasses. Our product range varies from basic tinted glass to solar control coated glass to high-performance Low-E glass.